egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



28 thousand male and female students nominated in the elections of student unions in universities and institutes, and follow-up to the elections from the headquarters of the Student Activities Sector at Ain Shams University

The Minister of Higher Education received a report submitted by Dr. Taya Abdel Latif, Advisor to the Minister for Student Activities, and Chairman of the Supreme Committee Supervising Student Union Elections, on the number of students applying for the student elections.

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The Vice President of Ain Shams University inspects the Faculty of Science Student Union Elections Committee immediately after the start of the election marathon

Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud and the Chairman of the Higher Committee for Supervising Elections at the University visited the headquarters of the Electoral Committee for the elections of the Faculty of Science Student Union to check on the progress of work.............

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An inspection tour of the Vice President of Ain Shams University at the Faculty of Law on the first day of withdrawing and submitting student election forms

Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud made an inspection tour of the Faculty of Law to follow up on the progress of the electoral process on its first day, in the presence of Prof. Mohamed Safi, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al Shafei and Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research…

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An inspection tour of the Vice President of the Faculty of Arts on the first day of withdrawing and submitting student election forms

The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs made an inspection tour of the Faculty of Arts to follow up on the electoral process, in the presence of the Acting Dean of the Faculty where he praised the good organization and preparation for the elections.........

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