egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



The President and Vice President of Ain Shams University honors the winning students with “Creativity” awards

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, The President of Ain Shams University and Prof. Dr. Abdul Fattah Sauod, the Vice President for Education and Student Affairs honored the university students who won "Creativity" Awards, which concluded its activities last Thursday.......

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With a total of 24 awards, Ain Shams University students win most of the awards of the 9th edition of the Creativity Festival

In a unique event in the history of Egyptian universities, and the history of the university, Ain Shams University students succeeded in seizing the majority of the prizes for the creativity festival competitions, which concluded the activities of its ninth session....

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In numbers...Find out 7 information about the participation of Ain Shams University students in the ninth creativity festival

The festival was held in the 9th session under the patronage of the President of the Republic and organized by the Ministries of Youth and Sports, and Higher Education...24 awards were won by university students which is the largest number was won by a university...

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The Vice President of the University inaugurates the first international conference for female students

The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dean of the Faculty of Girls, opened the activities of the first international conference for the education and student affairs sector, entitled "The Creative Student and the Challenges of Fourth Generation Universities"

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