egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research hosts the National Dialogue for Children and holds the Young Climate Ambassador course

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research hosted the National Dialogue for Children, which is carried out by the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the Eye of the Environment Association under the auspices of President of Ain Shams University.

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The Faculty of Al-Alsun announces the start of applying and the date of admission tests for credit hour programs for the new academic year

The Dean of the Faculty of Al-Alsun announced the start of applying for the academic year 2022-2023, the credit-hour system, starting from August 30, 2022, and the Faculty announced the date of admission tests for new students in the credit-hour programs 2022-2023....

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The Minister of Higher Education decides to extend applying period for electronic coordination for students of the second stage by an additional day

The Minister of Higher Education decided to extend applying period for electronic coordination of public universities and institutes by an additional day, so that the second phase would end at seven o’clock in the evening of Tuesday, August 23, 2022.................

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Dr. Hani Mahmoud, a faculty member at the Faculty of Law, receives Fangari Endowment Appreciation Award 2022

Dr. Hani Mahmoud Hassan, a lecturer of Islamic law at the Faculty of Law, won the Appreciation Award in the Endowment Competition of Counselor Muhammad Al-Fangari for the Service of Dawah and Islamic Jurisprudence 2022 under the Endowment deed no.292 for the year 2010

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