egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



The Francophone University Agency in the Middle East thanks the university and the Faculty for hosting the workshop on legal clinics

Mr. Jean-Noel Ballio, Director of the Francophone University Agency in the Middle East, addressed a letter thanking Ain Shams University for hosting the workshop on the subject of legal clinics that brought together more than twenty Arab universities.................

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A session of discussion the "legal aspects of organ transfers and clinical trials" at the 11th Annual International Conference of Ain Shams University

Within the framework of the sessions of the first day of the eleventh annual international conference of Ain Shams University entitled "Knowledge Economy... for a Better Life", a session entitled "Legal Aspects of Organ Transfers and Clinical Trials" was held.........

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The ninth symposium of the educational course, "The ABCs of Politics and Law," was held in the Faculty of Education

The Center for Middle East Research and Future Studies resumed the lectures of the educational course "The ABCs of Politics and Law" in the hospitality of the Faculty of Education, Under the auspices of Prof. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University.....

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The activities of the legal aspects of organ transfers session within the scope of the eleventh annual international conference of Ain Shams University

Ain Shams University invites you to attend the activities of its eleventh international conference, which entitle "Knowledge Economy... for a Better Life". The activities include a session on the legal aspects of organ transfers and clinical trials...................

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