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Honoring 117 faculty members who have received an international publishing award at Ain Shams University

The President of the University honored 117 faculty members from the Faculty of Science at the ceremony organized by the Graduate Studies and Research Sector to honor the recipients of the International Publication Award , batch 25 , which amounted to 331 researchers.

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Ain Shams University honors the batch (25) of the recipients of the International Publishing Award

The university organizes a ceremony to honor 331 faculty members who received the International Publication Award, batch 25, from various faculties of the university, under the patronage of President of the University and Vice President for Graduate Studies........

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Applying is open now for batch 28 of the International Publication Award

Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Chairman of the Supreme Committee for the Reward of International Publication at the University announced the opening of the door to apply for batch (28) of the International Publication Award to the staff and the assisting body

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The "Middle East Research" magazine obtained Online lssn

The Middle East Research Journal, issued by the University's Middle East Research Center, has obtained the International Electronic Numbering Online lssn, and this is a new addition that distinguishes the journal from others and facilitates access to it via the Internet.

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