egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
Hazardous materials and waste and its impact on the environment ... Symposium in Ain Shams University

The Faculty of Science in cooperation with the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, organized a symposium under the title of hazardous materials and waste and its impact on the environment. It was organized within the activities of the cultural season of the Faculty, where Prof. Dr. Abdul-Moati emphasized the importance of preserving the environment in all possible ways and means and employing modern technology in protecting and preserving it.

Prof. Dr. Taha Abdel-Azim Al-Sabbagh, vice-dean of the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, talked about the various hazards resulting from pollution on the environment that negatively affect human and animal health. Pollution led to the extinction of many living organisms on land, sea and air. The use of pesticides for many damages on fruits, Minute, as different types of insects have emerged with the ability to resist pesticides.

He added that the most dangerous types of pollutants are not decomposed such as paints, chemicals and some drugs and plastic waste. Pointing to the spread of pollution resulting from waste and garbage in many countries of the world, although some developed countries were able to process the waste and benefit from it.