egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
Opening of the annual conference of the English Language Community

Prof. Dr. Nazmy Abdel Hamid, Vice President of Ain Shams University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Maged Abou El Enein, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, inaugurated the 36th International Conference on the English Language Development Center entitled "The Annual Meeting of the English Language Teaching Community".

During his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdul Hamid stressed that the real success of educational institutions such as universities, schools and others shows in the performance of their scientific, research and educational roles and building society and upgrading the cultural and educational level in line with the requirements of the times. Learning and employing the English language with creative thinking keeps pace with new trends in teaching literature, language and translation, while highlighting the creative thinking of the teacher in the digital era.

He pointed out that the message of science is an integrative message that everyone cooperates in making it successful, including researchers, learners, teachers, educators and professors with experiences.

He added that the main role of the Faculty of Education in its various departments and centers is to support and develop the educational process inside the college and the university and outside it in the different academic stages.

The conference aims to shed light on the biggest challenges facing the teacher, especially the teacher of English in the digital era and the advanced methods of teaching English language and literature.

Prof. Dr. Maged Abul-Enein said that during the conference Humachine, machine translation, deep machine learning and digital literature will be clarified.

Prof. Dr. Nagwa Younis reviewed the most important themes of the two-day conference, namely: the negative impact of the use of social media on the linguistic competence and speech or spelling errors and semantic and artificial intelligence speech, and raised some questions related to the day will come when we announce the death of the teacher? Meaning will the machine and machines replace the teacher?

She pointed out that the sessions of the conference will answer these questions through presentations and scientific discussions in the sessions, where scientists from various local, regional and international universities provide a variety of answers on various topics such as natural language processing, digital humanities, digital morale analysis, deep and machine learning, and machine translation. And computer linguistics, and digital literature.

At the end of the opening ceremony, the conference shield was presented to Prof. Dr. Nazmy Abdel Hamid and Prof. Dr. Maged Abou El Enein, Prof. Dr. Hazem Rashed and guests of the conference.