egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
New secrets published for the first time about the October victory in a symposium at the Faculty of Arts

The Department of Hebrew Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, organized an educational symposium entitled “The October War in Israeli Documents” under the patronage of Prof. Ghada Farouk, Acting President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Hanan Kamel Metwally, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, Prof. Samia Gumaa, Head of the Hebrew Language Department, Dr. Muhammad Abboud, a lecturer of modern and contemporary Hebrew literature in the Hebrew Language Department, and Prof. Amr Allam, dean of the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, and a professor of modern and contemporary Hebrew literature.

The symposium opened with the audience chanting the national anthem with voices inspired by the national spirit and pride in the anniversary of victory.

The symposium began by showing a group of documentaries translated by Dr. Muhammad Abboud, and reflects the heroism of Egyptian soldiers in the October War in the words of Israeli commanders, officers and soldiers, and shows the extent of the Egyptian victory in visual and audio documents.

In her opening speech, Prof. Hanan Kamel Metwally spoke at the symposium about the brave Egyptian army, which sacrificed everything dear and precious for the sake of the nation over the years, and reviewed the importance of the security and safety in which we live thanks to our brave army.

Prof. Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Education and Student Affairs, stressed in his speech the importance of this symposium, which reveals new secrets about the October War, relying on the Hebrew Language Department of Ain Shams Arts, which plays a strategic role in covering and following up on current events, and providing the decision-maker with everything he needs. His knowledge about Israeli society.


Prof. Samia Gomaa, Head of the Department of Hebrew Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, welcomed the attendees, thanked those in charge of organizing the symposium, and pointed out the importance of the symposium in documenting the Israeli defeat, which Israel is trying to evade at times by using the term “negligence,” and at other times by completely denying what It took place in the October War.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Mohammed Abboud said that on this day 50 years ago, the Egyptian Armed Forces had established themselves on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal, and on October 10, 1973 AD, the forts of the Bar Lev Line were in the hands of our Egyptian heroes, and Egyptian flags were flying over Sinai.

On the other hand, the Israeli documents reveal that Defense Minister Moshe Dayan suffered a psychological breakdown, entered into a state of depression, and began preparing to address the Israelis on television, and reveal the truth of the situation on the Sinai and Golan fronts, had Prime Minister Golda Meir not prevented him from appearing on television, according to the Hebrew documents, which was revealed by the Israeli archives on the anniversary of the October War.

Abboud pointed out that the horrific Israeli defeat caused Golda Meir to think about suicide for fear of the Egyptians arriving in Tel Aviv, and caused a massive earthquake in Israeli society. Dr. Abboud reviewed some Hebrew documents, especially the document of the Israeli government’s consultation meeting on October 7, in which Dayan told the cabinet: “"I suggest evacuating the Bar Lev line, and if our soldiers there decide to surrender, let them surrender to the Egyptians. There are hundreds of Egyptian tanks that have crossed to the eastern bank. The Suez Canal line is hopeless. I did not estimate the enemy's strength well. The Arabs are fighting much better than before."


Dayan confirmed in the same document that the Israeli sites had lost contact with each other, and the sites connected to the General Command did not stop sending distress calls without Israel being able to help them, because the forces that would advance would meet the same fate. Dayan indicated that the road to Tel Aviv was open to the Egyptians if the American intervention.

Abboud also reviewed the investigations with Golda Meir before the Agranat Committee, in which she admitted that President Sadat succeeded in deceiving Israel and paralyzing the Israeli economy more than once by threatening war. When the Egyptian army prepared to cross on October 6, Golda and her government thought that the matter was nothing more than a threat. Golda said in her testimony before Agranat: “Today we must ask for forgiveness from President Sadat.”

Dr. Muhammad Abboud revealed the major role played by 40 experts and graduates of the Hebrew Language Department during the Yom Kippur War by translating the code map that the Israeli army used to control Sinai, and later using this map to track down Israeli military leaders, and a large number of them were killed, most notably Major General Avraham Mandler, Commander of the Sinai Division, and the highest-ranking Israeli killed in Israeli wars to date.

Explaining that Israeli intelligence collected information about these experts specializing in Hebrew from Israeli prisoners who returned to Tel Aviv after the war.

Abboud revealed that Egyptian Hebrew experts interrogated Israeli prisoners after the war, and transferred their answers to Arabic for the Egyptian army leaders, which contributed to collecting serious information about the Israeli army, its members, equipment, and force formations.

In his comprehensive speech, Prof. Amr Allam began by thanking the attendees, then pointed out the importance and nature of these documents, as the document is considered a conclusive testimony beyond any doubt, and those documents written in the Hebrew language truly document the events of the October War. These documents were translated by a group of translators at Over the course of many years, this painstaking work has resulted in thousands of pages issued successively by the National Center for Translation.

These documents were first published in 2013, and continued to appear until 2015. They are the product of the Agranat Committee, which investigated Israel’s defeat in the Sixth of October War. One of the most important recommendations of the Agranat Committee is the “mini-cabinet,” the cabinet in which the ministers responsible for Israel’s national security meet. If Israel is exposed to danger.

The documents revealed an eavesdropping site in Sinai through which Israel was spying on the Egyptian army, which the Egyptian army destroyed, which confused the Israeli army. It also pointed out the difficulties the team faced in translation, as Israel used incomprehensible abbreviations for the names of leaders and locations with the aim of misleading. And how did the Egyptian team work on translating those abbreviations and spare no effort in deciphering those symbols until the vision of translating those documents became clear? These documents revealed unethical operations that took place within the Israeli army, and negligence on the part of Israeli army personnel that contributed to Israel’s defeat in the war.


These documents also discussed the issue of the loophole that was called in Hebrew (the trap), which was intended to appeal to America for help from Israel’s leaders because they thought that Israel would be completely annihilated, and how America intervened, represented at the time by Kissinger’s visit to Egypt, which intervened to support Israel, so President Muhammad Anwar Sadat dictated his conditions to him. Dr. Amr pointed to the genius of the Egyptian army in dealing with that loophole, and how the Egyptian army used that loophole to serve Egypt.

He also pointed out the so-called victory inability, which is Israel's feeling of helplessness even in times of victory, and revealed the importance of these documents in refuting the false allegations that cast doubt on the October victory. The October 1973 war represented a disaster for Israel by all standards, which almost toppled this corrupt entity. It proved that no force can stand against the Egyptian army and the Egyptian soldier who fights with all his might to support his homeland, and who entered the war with a spiritual principle in redemption for my homeland. He linked what happened in October to what is happening now in Gaza, which is known as the “Al-Aqsa Flood,” where The Hebrew writings in the Israeli newspapers clearly indicate their defeat in the October War, and link it to the attack launched by the Palestinian resistance, which the Israeli newspapers described as the ugliest and worst attack against Israel since the October War of 1973 AD, and that it was the most dangerous Israeli military security failure since the 1973 War. It was held that One of the Israeli journalists compared defeat and humiliation between the events of 1973 and 2023, and that what happened in Israel now is a serious matter that will remain in memory as a security and military defeat.

The Israeli press also indicated that the Israeli army was taking a lesson from the October War of 1973. At the end of his speech, he called on researchers and students in the field of the Hebrew language to draw lessons from these documents. He also called on psychology and sociology experts to study these translations to find out the psychological and social characteristics of the Israeli army. He also thanked the Language Department. Hebrew and its literature at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, for organizing this symposium, and he renewed his thanks to all the honorable attendees.