egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
"Toshka" receives a delegation of Ain Shams University students as part of "See for yourself" campaign

Within the framework of the directives of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, to organize field visits for university students to develop awareness and belonging among Egyptian university youth, to acquaint them with the capabilities and capabilities of the Egyptian state, and its comprehensive vision for building the new republic, so that they can see on the ground what projects have been achieved by Egyptian hands throughout Egypt; In order to see and ascertain for themselves what has been achieved of the achievements and new development projects, especially the agricultural projects in the Delta, Sinai and Toshka, the leadership of the Popular and Military Defense Forces, led by Major General Walid Hamed Al-Hamaki, Commander of the Forces, organized in cooperation with Ain Shams University, headed and sponsored by Prof. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of the University and Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, under the supervision of Colonel staff of war Ahmed Fahmy, Director of the Military Education Department at Ain Shams University, on a field visit to the Toshka project.

This was in the presence of Colonel Tariq El-Shimi, Deputy Director of the Military Education Department at the university, Mr. Amr Essam, Coordinator of the Department, and Mr. Mohamed Khamis, Department of Military Education at the university.


This came as a continuation of the "See for yourself" campaign launched by the Armed Forces to acquaint the Egyptian people with the giant development projects. His Excellency also reviewed the company's efforts, and a documentary film was shown about Toshka farms, where the students began to dialogue with His Excellency in an open meeting, and he answered all their inquiries.


Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President of Ain Shams University, expressed his happiness with that visit, stressing that yesterday's dream of building the new republic has turned into a tangible reality, through a strong economy based on modern science and technologies that guarantee its continuity, until the state achieves its position, pointing out that such huge national projects are working to support the comprehensive and sustainable development plans of the Egyptian state, expressing that what the political leadership is achieving in terms of national projects makes us feel proud, proud and belonging to our dear homeland, and we believe in the great capabilities and potentials that the Egyptian state possesses to enable it to achieve the desired renaissance.

At the end of the visit, the students expressed their happiness and pride in these giant development projects, thanking the Education and Student Affairs Sector, headed by Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud, who gave them the opportunity to participate in these events. They expressed their happiness with the Armed Forces and their joining the Military Education Department, which enabled them to join these visits, which gave them hope for Egypt's ability to face all challenges with the hands of its people.