egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The Minister of Higher Education chairs the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities at Alexandria University

The Supreme Council of Universities held its periodic meeting, headed by Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on Saturday, at Alexandria University, in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Latif, Secretary of the Council and members of the Council.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Council extended its sincere congratulations to Dr. Ayman Ashour for the confidence of the political leadership for his assumption of the position of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, wishing him continued success and payment, stressing the cooperation with his Excellency to continue efforts to achieve the desired development in the system of higher education and scientific research.

The Council thanked Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education, for his fruitful efforts in upgrading the higher education and scientific research system during the past period, and congratulated him for assuming the duties of the Ministry of Health and Population, wishing him continued success and payment. for universities.


Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, congratulated Dr. Ayman Ashour for obtaining the confidence of the political leadership and assuming the position of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. He also extended his thanks and appreciation to the leaders of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the supporting work team in the ministry, and members of the Supreme Council of Universities for their fruitful cooperation with His Excellency throughout the period Five and a half years, for their distinguished role in supporting the development of the higher education system and scientific research.

The council thanked the University of Alexandria, headed by Dr. Abdel Aziz Qonswa, President of the University, for hosting the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities. The council also thanked Dr. Mustafa Abdel-Nabi Abdel Rahman, whose term at the presidency of Minya University ends at the end of this August, and praised his fruitful efforts in developing the educational system in Minya University.

In his speech, the minister clarified the features of the executive plan of the ministry’s work to develop the higher education and scientific research system, which includes attention to the file of providing higher education opportunities related to the needs of the labor market, the interest of Egyptian universities in establishing international partnerships with prestigious international universities, attention to interdisciplinary programs, and the addition of new study programs To meet the needs of the local, regional and international labor market, as well as the progress of universities in international rankings, to continue efforts to develop university hospitals, to pay attention to the quality file in universities and institutes, to pay attention to the file of digital transformation of universities, and to take care of the file of international students studying in Egyptian universities in a way that supports Egypt’s soft power in the field of higher education .

The Minister has constantly directed the universities’ interest in community participation in cooperation with the “Decent Life” initiative, through medical, veterinary and agricultural convoys, educational seminars, events and various activities, and work on capacity-building and making more efforts in all health, environmental, veterinary and social fields, as well as increasing universities’ efforts to eradicate illiteracy In cooperation with the General Authority for Adult Education; To activate the role of universities in community service and environmental development.

The Minister directed the universities to cooperate with the Center for the Care of Gifted and Talented in the Ministry, to organize sports, cultural and artistic events and activities for students, as well as to support different talents and discover and sponsor them in the artistic, literary, scientific, technological and sports fields, and to circulate specific programs to meet their needs, develop their abilities, enhance their belonging, and raise their awareness of the dangers of unauthorized ideas. Normal and extremist, in line with the tireless efforts made by the ministries and concerned state authorities, to combat concepts and ideas that contradict the tolerant religious beliefs and the authentic cultural and societal legacies of the Egyptian people.

The Minister also directed the universities to continue to link the research plans of the universities with the challenges facing each region to which the university belongs geographically, in all economic, social, health and environmental fields in all governorates, to contribute to achieving comprehensive and sustainable development of the state, as well as linking the scientific research system to education and industry, and participating in formulating Scientific solutions to the challenges facing the Egyptian state, and national development projects in all fields.

The Minister thanked the university presidents for their active role in facilitating electronic coordination procedures for government universities in the various stages, by opening computer labs to students, and providing the necessary technical support for them while choosing their desires.

The Minister praised the efforts made by the sectors responsible for conducting capacity tests in the Supreme Council of Universities under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Latif, Secretary of the Council, and the university and college administrations. And their periodic follow-up of capacity tests in colleges that are required to pass the ability test for admission to high school students, directing these efforts to continue during the ability tests for students of equivalent certificates (Arab and foreign) that will be held during the coming period.

The Minister thanked the officials of the Electronic Coordination Office for Governmental Universities and Institutes headed by Mr. Atta, Head of the Education Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the General Supervisor of the Coordination Office, for their fruitful efforts in successfully completing the first phase of coordination. With their continued efforts to ensure the success of the rest of the coordination stages for all certificates.

The Minister also thanked the Ministry's media center headed by Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, media advisor and official spokesperson for the ministry, for his active role in providing awareness campaigns guiding students to the correct electronic coordination mechanisms by various means (press releases - question and answer guide - infographics - videographs - videos) and other means that contribute to increasing students' awareness, and informing them of how to register desires The conditions for joining the various colleges, as well as publishing the lists of educational institutions accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on the ministry’s website and the official pages of the ministry on social media, so that students do not fall prey to fictitious entities.

The minister directed the necessity of continuing the readiness of computer laboratories in all public universities to assist successful students throughout the period of electronic coordination, and to provide technical support to students to ensure facilitation for them during the various stages of coordination.

The Minister also directed the continuous efforts of the Coordination Office, Universities and the Ministry's Media Center; To provide all facilities for students of the General Secondary Certificate and equivalent certificates (Arabic and foreign) and technical, to complete the next stages of coordination.

The Minister also stressed the importance of continuing the efforts of universities in preparation for the new academic year 2022/2023, and the speedy completion of all maintenance operations for buildings, auditoriums, classrooms, laboratories and university cities, and emphasizing safety and security standards in all university facilities.

Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and Scientific Coordinator of the Multilateral Climate Conference hosted by Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh, gave a presentation on the Ministry’s plan to confront climate change, which includes the completion of an educational course for all Egyptian university students on climate change, and the Ministry’s launch of the Green Finance Initiative for Research, Development and Innovation To support applied projects that contribute to solving environmental problems, nature conservation, clean energy, waste recycling, and others, he also reviewed the ongoing partnerships between the Ministry and various countries of the world, the Federation of African Universities and the Federation of Arab Universities. The Minister directed quickly organizing a conference hosted by Suez University to review the efforts and projects of Egyptian universities in this field, in preparation to select the best innovative green projects to participate in the conference.

The Council heard a presentation by Dr. Hesham Farouk, Assistant Minister for Digital Transformation, on continuing to develop and standardize the secured university certificate system at the level of all universities, by issuing insured certificates to graduates of Egyptian universities from the Industrial Complex for Identification Certificates, noting that more than 740 thousand certificates were printed from 18 public universities during the period. past.

Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, Media Adviser and Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, said that the Council reviewed a report on field visits to colleges and institutes in which studies were started during the last ten years, and that are affiliated with sectoral committees (medicine - veterinary medicine), and directed the Council to complete all material and human capabilities before the start of the academic year 2022/2023 in all these faculties and others; To ensure the continuity of efficiency and quality of the educational process.

The official spokesman added that the council agreed to support the "Digital Egypt Cubs" initiative organized by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, by allowing the use of electronic test laboratories deployed in all public universities; To conduct admission tests for advanced students, by activating a tripartite cooperation protocol between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the presidents of public universities.

The spokesperson added that the council agreed that universities would cooperate with the Ministry of Youth and Sports in promoting the "Ibdaa" festival for the eleventh consecutive season, for students of universities, higher institutes, and government and private academies; In which many students participate in 23 cultural, scientific, artistic and literary fields, within the framework of supporting student activities.

The official spokesman indicated that the council directed the universities to organize field visits for students of the faculties of computers and artificial intelligence to the authorities specialized in the field of artificial intelligence of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in the new administrative capital. To benefit from their potential, direct their capabilities, and implement their ideas and applications in various fields, in line with the State’s 2030 plan, which aims to establish a culture of innovation and scientific research in the field of technology and develop solutions to all future challenges.

The official spokesman stated that the council agreed to adopt the final version of the regulations for the ethics of scientific research in the field of humanities, social sciences and the arts, submitted by the Supreme Council for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs.

The official spokesman added that the council agreed, in principle, to offer commerce colleges in government universities a number of grants to obtain a professional master's degree for workers in the public sector who will be transferred to work in the new administrative capital.

The Council was informed of the approval of the Ain Shams University Council to establish Ain Shams Private University, and directed the Council to complete the required procedures and coordinate with the Council of Private Universities in this regard.

The Council was informed of the ministerial decisions issued to start the study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ain Shams University and the Faculty of Pharmacy, New Valley University, as of the academic year 2022/2023.