egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
Media statement of the Supreme Council of Universities

The Council held its session No. (701), headed by Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Latif, Secretary-General of the Council and gentlemen of university presidents. At the beginning of the session,

the minister assured the university presidents of the regularity of the progress of the evaluation process for students of transportation years in accordance with the rules and procedures previously approved by the Supreme Council of Universities as well as on the latest preparations of universities to conduct final team examinations for colleges in the second semester of the year University 2019/2020 that the work of final years exams begins in all universities and institutes as of 1/7/2020 and it is left to university councils to approve the dates and schedules of the second semester exams in the various colleges in the university according to the conditions of each university separately provided that the dates of the exams coincide with the days of exams High school.

He also stressed the need for universities to implement all precautionary and preventive measures in accordance with the standards announced by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health in order to ensure the health and safety of students, faculty members, their assistants, and university workers.

In order not to harm any of the students because of the delay in their graduation date, contact has been made with the concerned authorities to postpone the date of enrollment for this year until the exams are completed and the results will appear, and the recruitment department will be thankful, for its part, taking the necessary decisions for that.

His Excellency also indicated the issuance of Prime Minister Decision No. (1196) for the year 2020, which became in accordance with its provisions; The university presidents have the right to organize work within each university separately and determine the numbers required for the administrative staff during the conduct of examinations and preparatory work for them according to the rules that their sovereignty deems to be in the public interest and in a manner that takes into account the precautionary measures required to deal with the Corona virus.

The council started its decisions by adopting the recommendations of the committee formed by the council’s decision on April 18, 2020, which concluded as follows:

  • Extending the academic year for this year to 15/15/2020, given that the work of the exams actually extended to this year beyond 7/31/2020 for the current conditions and taking into account the public interest until a sufficient opportunity is given to all colleges to complete the exam work.
  • Students who do not wish to take exams for this semester, given the current circumstances, may submit an application to the college councils before the start of the exam date and according to the dates decided by the college councils, whether by submitting the application on paper or by any other electronic means through which the identity of the applicant is confirmed, provided that the apology is in This case is about the performance of all the examinations scheduled for the student in the second semester. As for the acceptable and satisfactory excuses, they can be presented at any time and in both cases the absence of these students is not a failure.
  • In view of the circumstances of the flight ban and its irregularity, students of final years of expatriate abroad may take exams according to the schedules announced by universities and those who are unable to attend are examined in the first session following their attendance when the air traffic is regular and the air embargo is lifted.
  • Universities shall organize the schedules of the written exams for postgraduate studies in accordance with the capacity of the campus, and to achieve the precautionary conditions approved by the University Council, provided that they are conducted according to the conditions of each university, preferably not coinciding with the exams of the undergraduate stage.
  • Within the framework of the Council’s keenness on the interest of its student students from the American diploma campaign, the work of the Coordination Office will be extended for this year after the two SAT2 exams scheduled to be held during August and September 2020 and based on what the Minister of Education indicated that the AST certificate is equivalent to the SAT certificate. Being accredited by this certificate in accordance with the conditions and controls set by the Ministry of Education.
  • For students with an English high school diploma, the assessment of the role of June 2020 accredited by the international accreditation bodies (Cambridge - Pearson - Oxford) is taken after approval by the British Council.

As for other students wishing to take the exams the role of October / November (whose results will be announced in January), they are accepted into the Egyptian government universities with distinguished programs in the second semester (for colleges whose regulations allow this), provided that this is in light of the minimum sector for the year The university 2020/2021 or their acceptance in the next university year 2021/2022 provided that in this case only the results of five exams at most be counted among the exams that he performed in the last four-year period prior to applying to the Coordination Office, and this is an exception for this year only due to the current conditions in the world.

Due to the delay in exam dates in some countries, the coordination office for this year continues to receive requests to coordinate students with certificates equivalent to high school from those countries until exam results appear to them no later than 11/30/2020 and if they submit to the coordination office after this date, they are not their admission to government universities except for programs distinguished by colleges whose internal regulations allow admission to the second semester provided that this is in light of the minimum admission to the sector or their admission in the academic year 2021/2022.