egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



launching of the comprehensive development convoy of Ain Shams University in Qena Governorate

Ain Shams University's comprehensive development convoy was launched to serve the people of the village of Kom El-Dabaa, Nakada Center in Qena Governorate, with the participation of the faculties of medicine, dentistry, nursing and the General Authority for Adult Education.

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Preparations before the launch of the comprehensive development convoy to serve the people of the village of Kom El-Dabaa, Nakada Center

The preparations of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector in Qena Governorate are underway, prior to the launch of the comprehensive development convoy to serve the people of the village of Kom El-Dabaa, Nakada Center, from 22 to 25 November 2021

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The launch of the 5th Cup of "For Egypt" Family at Ain Shams University

The activities of the 5th Cup of "For Egypt” Family competition, organized by a family for Central Egypt, have been launched, as the fifth cup in the five-a-side football will be held on the stadiums of the Faculties of Business and Medicine, and will continue until 9/11

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launching of the annual conference of the French Association Méditerranées hosted by Ain Shams University

Prof. Dr. El-Metini, The President of Ain Shams University and the President of the French Association Méditerranée opened the activities of the annual conference of the French Association Méditerranées, which is hosted by the Faculty of Arts at Ain Shams University.

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