egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



Students of the first stage continue to arrive at the coordination office at the Faculty of Agriculture

Coordination Office in Faculty of Agriculture witnessed a heavy turnout from first-stage students to coordinate admission to universities and will continue until Wednesday, the 25th of this month, within the framework of taking all the precautionary and preventive measures

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"From Egypt" program on cbc channel meets a team of students from the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences

“From Egypt” program on the CBC channel meets a team of students from the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences at Ain Shams University consisting of (5 young people), who have succeeded, using artificial intelligence, in creating a device and an application..

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Ain Shams University provides 25 scholarships at a cost of 2 million pounds to students of STEM schools.

Under the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi,President of Ain Shams University allocated 25 scholarships to students of STEM schools at a total cost of 2 million pounds annually, borne by the university and some civil society institutions supporting the university

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Higher Education: A guide to assist students in coordinating public universities and institutes

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research directed the need to provide all instructions and information that would facilitate students to register their desires on the coordination website of public universities and institutes,

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