egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



A symposium at the Faculty of Medicine to raise awareness of pulmonary embolism "asthma", its symptoms and how to prevent it

Within the framework of the celebration of the Faculty of Medicine on the International Day of Pulmonary Obstruction (Asthma), the Faculty of Medicine held a symposium to educate the university and its affiliated faculties about pulmonary embolism (asthma)...........

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Major General Staff Officer Dr. Samir Farag answers the question of where is Egypt going... in a symposium from inside Ain Shams University

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini and Prof. Dr. Abdel-Fattah Saoud opened the symposium "Egypt to Where: Challenges and Achievements", which was presented by the strategic expert Major General Staff Officer Dr. Samir Farag, and the symposium was moderated by Khaled Saad......

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Together, prevention of antimicrobial resistance…Awareness symposium at the Faculty of Medicine

An awareness symposium concluded the activities of the celebration organized by the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine to celebrate the World Week of Antimicrobial Resistance, sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini...........

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The Possible effects of climate change on plant health... A symposium at the Faculty of Agriculture

The Egyptian Association for Integrated Pest Management, the Faculty of Agriculture, held a symposium on the potential effects of climate change on plant health. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Jalal, Dean of the Faculty, began the symposium by speaking about climate change.............

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