egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

ورشة عمل


A workshop on integrating renewable energies for advanced bioremediation

The Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research, in cooperation with the Faculty of Science, organized a workshop entitled “Integrating renewable energies for advanced biological treatment in the management of reserves and waste management.”.......................

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The Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research at Ain Shams University holds a workshop to discuss the quality of life, the goal of the National Strategy 2050

The Faculty of Environmental Studies held a workshop "Quality of Life, the Objective of the National Strategy 2050", as part of the celebrations of World Environment Day and included an explanation of how to contribute to effectively addressing the effects of climate change

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The Faculty of Law organizes a workshop on preparing scientific research in accordance with international standards

The Faculty of Law concluded the work of the workshop on “How to prepare a PhD research proposal in accordance with international academic standards”, which was organized by the International Cooperation Office of the Faculty. It discussed how to write a research proposal

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A workshop in the field of adaptation to climate changes at the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research

The Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research, in cooperation and partnership with civil society, organized a workshop for practical training, which included practical training in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate changes.........................

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