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The International publishing and its importance... A workshop at the Faculty of Dentistry

The Faculty of Dentistry organized the workshop "The Importance of International Publication and the Multiple Ways That Facilitate the Process of International Publication of Scientific Research", and aims to help understand the nature of documented research databases.

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Head of the Greek and Roman Antiquities Department at the Faculty of Antiquities in an intervention on Extra News Channel

The intervention of Prof. Noha Abdel-Aal Salem, Head of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, with Extra News news channel about obtaining the International Publishing Award from the University for publishing a chapter in an international book...............

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The Faculty of Education congratulates its scholars who won the international publication awards - batch 30

The Administration of the Faculty of Education extends congratulations to its distinguished winners of the awards for international publication and authorship for a chapter in an international book, who were honored at the university celebration on 16/1/2023............

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The President of Ain Shams University and the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research honor the batch (30) of the international publication award recipients

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, and Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, honored the batch (30) of the recipients of the international publication award, which numbered (1078) male and female researchers with a number of research (894) with a financial value of 6,888,000 pounds........

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