egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

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Rotating Leave in two batches for Ain Shams University employees

As part of the precautionary measures taken by Ain Shams University to confront Corona virus pandemic, President of Ain Shams University, issued a decision to give the employees in the general administration of the university rotating leave in two batches...........

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Exchange leave for employees at Ain Shams University during the month of Ramadan

In reception for the month of Ramadan, and in line with the precautionary measures to confront Coronavirus, President of the University issued a set of decisions for Ramadan, whereby employees of university's public administration and its units are granted reciprocal leave

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Exchange leave for university employees during the current week

continuation of Work according to the decision of Prof. Dr. President of Ain Shams University to grant the employees of Ain Shams University a leave of exchange on two groups during the current week from the 14 February 2021, and until the 18 February 2021.........

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Renewing the decision of the President of Ain Shams University to grant university employees a leave in exchange of two batches

University President issued a decision to continue granting the employees of the administration of the university, the colleges and the various university units an alternate leave in two batches, provided that the leave of the first batch starts from 1/31/2021 until 4/2/2021

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