egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



The Faculty of Arts hosts a seminar introducing the mechanisms and objectives of the Women's Support and Empowerment Unit

The Anti Violence against Women Unit, headed by Prof. Dr. Hind Al-Hilali, Executive Director of the Unit, celebrated the Egyptian Women’s Day, which falls on the 16th March of each year, hosted by the Faculty of Arts, where the unit organized an educational seminar..

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An introductory workshop for writing a CV, interview skills, and applying for scholarships at the Faculty of Girls

An introductory workshop was held on “How to write a CV, interview skills, and apply for scholarships” was held. During the workshop, how to write a resume in a professional manner, and the skills of personal interviews to apply for different jobs, were discussed in detail.

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The Women Support and Anti-Violence Against Women Unit organizes a workshop for legal consultants and lawyers inside Ain Shams University

The Women Support and Anti-Violence Against Women Unit organized an interactive workshop for legal consultants and lawyers at Ain Shams University, in the presence of a group of members of the Central Legal Affairs, the workshop hosted the President of the Court of Appeal

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The Dean of the Faculty of Law in an open meeting with the students of the faculty

The Dean of the Faculty of Law held a meeting with the students of the faculty to answer their inquiries and identify their problems, in the presence of Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, explained that the students are the children of the faculty’s professors.

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