egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



The Faculty of Al-Alsun announces the start of applying and the date of admission tests for credit hour programs for the new academic year

The Dean of the Faculty of Al-Alsun announced the start of applying for the academic year 2022-2023, the credit-hour system, starting from August 30, 2022, and the Faculty announced the date of admission tests for new students in the credit-hour programs 2022-2023....

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Press release on the stage of admission of students in private universities for the academic year 2022

A decision was issued to start the study with 12 new private universities emanating from public universities in addition to the National and Egyptian E-Learning Nile Universities, and it was decided to accept students in the faculties of these universities...........

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In the first days of the second phase of coordination of universities... Average turnout for electronic coordination laboratories at the Faculty of Engineering

The students of the second stage to coordinate university admissions for the academic year 2023/2022 went to the electronic coordination laboratories at the Faculty of Engineering at the university amid following precautionary measures for prevention................

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A press release on the results of accepting students who obtained the Egyptian General Secondary School for the first stage in universities and institutes

The Coordination Office at Ain Shams University began to receive the wishes of students of the first stage, through the electronic coordination website on the Internet, during the period from Thursday, 11th of August, 2022, until 16th of August, 2022..................

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