egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



Higher Education: 115,500 students register in the coordination of the first stage of university admissions

The Head of the Education Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education announced that the number of students applying to coordinate the first stage of admission to universities has so far reached 115 thousand and five hundred students on the coordination website.......

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The Minister of Higher Education decides to extend the period of application for electronic coordination for first-stage students

Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education, decided to extend the period of application for electronic coordination of government universities and institutes by an additional day, so that the first phase ends at seven o’clock in the evening tomorrow, August 16

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The Vice President for Education and Students visits the coordination laboratories at the Faculty of Arts and the coordination laboratory for people with special abilities

The Vice President for Education conducted an inspection tour to follow up the works on the first day of opening the first phase of electronic coordination in the laboratories of the Faculty of Arts, during which he was accompanied by the Acting Dean of the Faculty...

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Coinciding with the beginning of the coordination of the first stage... High school students flock to the coordination laboratories at the Faculty of Engineering

The coordination laboratories at the Faculty of Engineering witnessed an average turnout by students of the first stage to coordinate university admissions to register their wishes to enroll in Egyptian universities amid precautionary measures.......................

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