egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



An introductory workshop for writing a CV, interview skills, and applying for scholarships at the Faculty of Girls

An introductory workshop was held on “How to write a CV, interview skills, and apply for scholarships” was held. During the workshop, how to write a resume in a professional manner, and the skills of personal interviews to apply for different jobs, were discussed in detail.

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A workshop for the Career Center at Ain Shams University, hosted by the Faculty of Al-Alsun

The Faculty of Al-Alsun hosted the second workshop held by the university’s Career Center, in preparation for the Employment Forum organized by Ain Shams University on March 19, under the auspices of President of the University and Vice President for Student Affairs...

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A workshop entitled CV writing, interview skills and applying for scholarships at the Faculty of Girls

Under auspices of the President of Ain Shams University, the Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and the Dean of the Faculty of Girls, the education and student sector organizes a workshop entitled "Writing a CV, interview skills, and applying for scholarships"

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A training course on the basics of writing a CV for postgraduate students at the Faculty of Archeology

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at the Faculty of Archeology organized a training course for graduate students in the faculty entitled “Rules of Writing a CV”. This training course comes within the framework of a plan to develop the skills of postgraduate students

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