egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



Prof. Ahmed Galal, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, awarded a Certificate Of The Best Personality at the level of the Arab World

The Egyptians Center for Political, Legal, Economic and Social Studies, together with the Dr. Adel Amer Academies group, decided to grant Prof. Ahmed Galal a certificate of the best personality at the level of the Arab world after examining his file that he submitted

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The conclusion of the IELTS qualification workshop at Ain Shams University, amidst a large turnout of students and faculty staff

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Saleh, and Prof. Dr.Ahmed Galal, the activities of the "Qualification for IELTS Test" workshop, organized by the Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University, ended yesterday...............

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The Possible effects of climate change on plant health... A symposium at the Faculty of Agriculture

The Egyptian Association for Integrated Pest Management, the Faculty of Agriculture, held a symposium on the potential effects of climate change on plant health. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Jalal, Dean of the Faculty, began the symposium by speaking about climate change.............

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"Plant Greens…Reap its fruits" Symposium at the Faculty of Archeology

The Faculty of Archeology held a workshop entitled "Plant Greens…Reap its fruits", attended by a number of students and faculty staff and employees who belonged to the Faculty and listened to a full explanation about the foundations and characteristics of home cultivation

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