egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



Honoring 511 faculty staff who received the International Publishing Reward at Ain Shams University

The President of Ain Shams University and Vice President for Graduate Studies honored 511 faculty staff from various university faculties, in the celebration organized by the Graduate Studies and Research Sector to honor the recipients of the International Publication Reward

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Extending the period of applying to the 29th batch of the International Publication Reward

Within the framework of the graduate studies sector’s support for faculty staff and the teaching assistants in publishing research internationally, the Sector announced the extension of the Appling period for the international publication reward (batch 29) until August 10

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Egyptian-Sudanese Economic Integration between Reality and Aspiration" International Conference of the Middle East Research Center and Future Studies

The activities of the international conference “Egyptian-Sudanese Economic Integration between Reality and Aspiration” were launched online via the Microsoft Teams program under the auspices of President of the University and Vice President of Community Affairs....

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The Vice President of the University inaugurates the first international conference for female students

The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dean of the Faculty of Girls, opened the activities of the first international conference for the education and student affairs sector, entitled "The Creative Student and the Challenges of Fourth Generation Universities"

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