egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



Ain Shams University team wins a part of the translation competition for young Egyptian universities

The artist, Dr. Enas Abdel Dayem, Minister of Culture, approved the results of the first session of the translation competition for Egyptian university youth, which represents the first competition of its kind and was held under the slogan "Translate... Create"......

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Director of the Translation Department at the World Bank during a seminar at the Faculty of Al-Alsun confirms: The human element is indispensable in the future of translation

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at the Faculty of Al-Alsun organized a scientific seminar entitled "The Future of Translation in the Era of Unprecedented Technological Developments" under the auspices of President of the University and Dean of the faculty...

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March 6th... Faculty of Al-Alsun discusses the future of translation in the era of unprecedented developments in cooperation with the World Bank

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at the Faculty of Al-Alsun is organizing a seminar entitled "The Future of Translation in the Era of Unprecedented Technological Developments", during which Director of the Translation Department at the World Bank will lecture.

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The eleventh of May... Young researchers’ forum in the Faculty of Al-Alsun entitled Human Studies and Digitization between theory and practice

The Graduate Studies Sector at the Faculty of Al-Alsun is preparing to organize a forum for young researchers in its eighth session under the title “Humanitarian Studies and Digitization between Theory and Practice”, which comes to develop its graduate studies programs.

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