egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



The Faculty of Arts honors the journalist Muhammed El-Baz in the seminar " analysis of the current media scene and its repercussions"

The Faculty of Arts, represented by the Department of Oriental Languages, organized a seminar: “Analysis of the current media scene and its repercussions,” during which it hosted Dr. Mohamed El-Baz, the journalist and media writer and Chairman of Al-Dustour newspaper.

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Ain Shams University Board honors its scholars who won state awards

The Board of Ain Shams University honored the university professors who received state awards for excellence in the field of scientific research, expressing his happiness in honoring them, and stressing the support of the university to overcome obstacles facing researchers

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Honoring the winning students in the competition of the best pharmacy shapes design at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Honoring the students of the final year of the Bachelor of Pharmacy, who won the competition for the best presentation and discussion, during the competition held for the best pharmacy forms design, where distinguished students were honored..........................

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Honoring the administrators of the electronic platform at the Faculty of Nursing

The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing honored the team of the e-learning unit and electronic services, and the university employees responsible for the smart platform at the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences for the training they did for faculty staff........

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