egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Faculty of Medicine


The Faculty of Medicine and Leuven University Hospital in Belgium sign a joint cooperation protocol in the field of training in microsurgical interventions in fetuses

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated with Ain Shams University Hospitals witnessed the signing of a joint cooperation protocol with the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Hospitals, and Leuven University Hospital in Belgium.........................

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Ain Shams University Hospitals are illuminated in orange to celebrate World Patient Safety Day

In continuation of the celebration of World Patient Safety Day, the Faculty of Medicine organized events, which are held in cooperation with the Office of the Representative of the World Health Organization and determined by the World Health Organization on 17/9......

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The “Bedaya Medical Convoy” at the Faculty of Medicine provides medical and community services to the people of the Atsa Center in Fayoum Governorate

For the 15th year in a row, the Bedaya Medical Convoy, affiliated with the Fikra family at the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, set off on a six-day giving trip throughout the village of Abu Dihoum, Atsa Center, Fayoum Governorate...........................

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Children's University students visit the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine, headed by Prof. Ali Al-Anwar, received a group of 60 children from Children’s University, coordinated by Dr. Mustafa Al-Shahed, at the Department of Industrial Medicine, Dr. Manar Al-Labban, at the Department of Community and Environmental Medicine.

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