egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University



Awards system provided to faculty staff... Integrated services provided by the electronic portal of Ain Shams University

In the interest of the electronic portal on excellence of various services to faculty staff at the university, specifically in the field of awards, the electronic portal announces the existence of an integrated system for awards available to all faculty staff..........

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Vice President of Ain Shams University for Education and Students meets the delegation of Banque Misr

A meeting was held between Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President of the University, and Mr. Mohamed Salem, Director of the Banque Misr Branch at the Faculty of Business, they discussed ways to expand the base of cooperation between the university and Banque Misr.....

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A delegation from the British University of UCL hosted by Ain Shams University

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of the University, received Dr. Nora Colten, Director of GBSH, within the framework of joint cooperation between the two sides. The meeting discussed the establishment of science degrees in the field of health care...............

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"The National Directory of Family Planning Services and Integrated Counseling in Family Planning" are Two training courses at the Faculty of Nursing

In line with the state's strategy in facing the population problem and the vision of the Faculty of Nursing in supporting Egyptian women in various aspects, the Faculty of Nursing, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, organized two training courses.......

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