egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

رئيس جامعة عين شمس


Opening the apply for a scholarship from the Innovators Support Fund

Dear high school graduate, if you are a talented student and are looking for an opportunity to study at one of the Egyptian universities, you can apply for a scholarship provided by the Innovators Support Fund in partnership with 12 distinguished Egyptian universities.

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Prof. Ghada Farouk, Acting President of Ain Shams University, participates in the activities of the Chinese-Arab Animation Industry Forum

At the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Nanjing University of Arts, the Acting President of the University, and the Director of the Confucius Institute at the University, participated in the activities of the Chinese-Arab Animation Industry Forum....

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The major music and choral competition between the faculties of Ain Shams University on the stage of the Faculty of Specific Education

The major music and choral competition activities were held between the university’s faculties in the theater of the Faculty of Specific Education, with the participation of 7 faculties: Engineering, Girls, Law, Al-Alsun, Business, Arts, and Medicine................

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Mainstreaming nature-based solutions to adapt to climate change in Egypt...a workshop at the Faculty of Environmental Studies in preparation for the Cop28 conference

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research organized a workshop entitled: “Mainstreaming nature-based solutions for adaptation to climate change in Egypt,”, in preparation for the Cop 28 Climate Conference, under the patronage of Prof. Ghada Farouk......

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