egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
"Sports Media Skil
"Sports Media Skil

The Students for Egypt family at Ain Shams University organized a workshop entitled “Sports Media Skills” at the Faculty of Mass Communications, under the auspices of Prof. Muhammad Diaa Zain El-Abedeen, President of Ain Shams University, and under the supervision of Prof. Heba Shaheen, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communications.

Sports journalist Hani Hathout, a graduate of the Department of Communication and Media Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, at Ain Shams University, lectured at the workshop and explained his professional career, the problems he faced, and how he overcame them.


He also talked about camera fear and how the presenter feels nervous when standing in front of the camera to present his program. Hathout added that camera fear confirms the broadcaster’s respect for his audience and his desire to present his best.

The workshop covered five basic topics: the art of dealing with the camera, the foundations of reading sports news bulletins, improvising in front of the camera, managing television interviews and telephone interviews, and the difference between a sports journalist and a media professional specializing in other fields.


The workshop aimed to develop student’s skills in the field of sports media and prepare them for the labor market.

Hathout interacted with the students and trained them to read sports news bulletins and comment on the student’s performance. He also explained and trained pauses, and other methods of media performance.

The workshop witnessed great interaction among the students, and the workshop activities ended with honoring sports journalist Hani Hathout and taking memorial photos with the students.