egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
“October Victories are an Epic for Future Generations” symposium activities at the Faculty of Agriculture

Under the patronage of Prof. Ahmed Galal, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. On the occasion of the golden jubilee of the Great October Victory, the Student Union of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, and the Students for Egypt family, in cooperation with the National Council for Women, Cairo Branch, organized a symposium entitled “October Victories are an Epic for Future Generations,” in the presence of Major General Staff of the Nasr War. Salem, former head of the Armed Forces Reconnaissance Service, and Prof. Muhammad Al-Saeed Al-Basiouni, leader of the Students for Egypt family, and Prof. Roqaia Shalaby, alternate rapporteur of the National Council for Women, Cairo Branch, and in honor of the ladies, members of the National Council for Women, Cairo Branch, Engineer Awad Desouky, Director General of the College, members of the Youth Welfare Department, Dr. Khedive Muhammad, Director of Administration, directors of departments, members of the college’s administrative apparatus, and a group of gentlemen heads of scientific departments and the teaching assistants in the faculty.

Prof. Roqaia Shalaby expressed her happiness at being present to celebrate the anniversary of the October victories at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. Her Excellency saluted the honorable presence and the college administration for hosting the symposium and praised the prominent role of women in society.


Prof. Ahmed Galal, Dean of the Faculty, expressed his appreciation for the importance of Sinai to Egypt. It is Egypt’s gift and Egypt’s gateway, and its recovery is an honor for Egypt and the Arabs as a whole, and that history will remember with pride what the Egyptians did to recover their lands and sacrifice precious and precious things for the sake of the precious grains of Sinai sand.

He pointed to the role of the Egyptian farmer during the Great October War and how he wrote a line of heroism that history still remembers and will continue to honor with letters of gold. The Egyptian soldier set the most wonderful examples of redemption, sacrifice, and empowerment, and how the will overcomes the impossible. He thanked the Egyptian woman, a partner in the struggle in the homeland, and her role is witnessed by history, for how much she defended her homeland and was the fortified fortress in which the nation takes refuge and in which it seeks refuge. All the crises that have befallen Egypt bear witness to the role of the Egyptian woman as mother, wife, daughter, and lofty patriotic sister.


Major General Staff of War Nasr Salem, former head of the Armed Forces Reconnaissance Service, explained his Excellency about the period before the war and the bitterness of the setback and how the Egyptian decision was on the ninth and tenth of June 1967 and the beginning of cohesion and the people’s rally around his leadership and despite the late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser stepping down, how the masses marched. To force him to continue the struggle, and the first thing Abdel Nasser said was that what was taken by force can only be recovered by force, and from here appeared the spark for rebuilding the ranks of the Egyptian army, only hours after the setback.

His Excellency explained that he was honored to have been among the heroes of that period after the setback, and he was working with his colleagues to collect information behind enemy lines. His Excellency enumerated some rare situations that do not occur except by a miracle, and they actually happened, thanks to God and His success. How does God save them every time from an enemy they thought he saw, but God sends down a veil? On the eyes of the enemy so that he and his comrades can collect the required information and send it to the leadership to deal with it.


He talked about the great day of the sixth of October, how to cross and grant the success of the Almighty God, and how to overcome the false myth of the invincible army, despite the strength and development of armament, in which the balance was tilted towards the enemy, but God Almighty granted victory to Egypt, its people, and its wise leadership, the heroic martyr, Muhammad Anwar Sadat, and his wisdom in Managing the battles, then His Excellency went on to talk about Sinai and its extreme importance to Egypt, the ambitions revolving around it, the role of the Egyptian leadership, Mr. President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, the reconstruction and development of Sinai and turning its color to green, and the millions of Egyptians for its reconstruction and the construction of 6 tunnels linking Sinai to the motherland in just minutes. This is the human presence that exceeded 3 million after it was Only about half a million in all of Sinai, and it is expected to increase by 2030 to reach about 10 million in Sinai and this kills the ambitions of the greedy.