egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The network of French departments at Ain Shams University Cordially invites you to its first international conference “ ethics, poetics, aesthetics in French and Francophone literatures”

The Network of French Departments at Ain Shams University invites you to attend the first international conference on "Ethics, Poetry and Aesthetics in French and Francophone Literature", which will be held in the iHub building at Ain Shams University - Cairo, and you can participate in the conference remotely. This conference proposes to host an updated critical discussion on the relationship Between individual ethics and global and poetic ethics.

The definition of literature, according to various dictionaries, places particular emphasis on the aesthetic side of the literary work. Such an aesthetic character was never restricted in its definition to the creative freedom of the writer but has been, over the years, subject to specific rules and codes. Seventeenth-century French classicism represents the trend that most reveals such codification whose objective was to regulate the aesthetics of the literary work. Such codification of literature is closely linked to the notion of Poetics, a term that combines both exegesis and literary theory, as practices that involve discursive reflection on literature whose object, as a bearer of values is both aesthetic and ethical. Since ancient Greece, literature has been considered by many to be a source of ethical instruction aimed at providing situations and/or figures to be praised or avoided. This raises a series of fundamental questions about the primary role of literature:

Should literature teach or entertain?

Who has the right to evaluate a text to determine its moral value?

Do these valuations change from one society or era to another?

This conference proposes to host an updated critical discussion on the relation between individual ethics, universal morality, and poetics.

This is a hybrid conference: It will be held on-site at the iHub Building of Ain Shams University in Cairo. Participants may also participate remotely.


1. The creative process: poetics and value system (conformity, conflict, and/or transgression)

2. The reception of a literary work

3. The scale of values

4. Transposition of values

5. The possible evolution of the value system, creative processes, and aesthetic perceptions

Knowing that the deadline for sending abstracts is: 07 February 2023

Scientific Committee Response: February 21, 2023

Conference days: 2 - 3 May 2023

Proposals for papers:

● Participation is open to teachers, researchers, doctoral students, and professionals.

● The intervention can be prepared by one or two presenters.

● Interventions are to be presented in French.

● Please submit a 300-word (maximum) proposal as an attached word document without identifying the author. Proposals will be subject to a double-blind review.

Kindly make sure that the email accompanying the proposal includes the following:

● A title for the proposed paper.

● The identity of the author(s) and their institutional affiliations or institutional status, their electronic and postal contact details, as well as a 100- word biography of the author (s).

● The theme(s) to which the proposed paper responds to.

● Three relevant keywords and a limited bibliography.

● Abstracts should be sent to the following address:

Registration fees: 1500 L.E. or 50 USD.

To view the conference themes, click here