egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
A symposium on "renouncing violence and the role of women in society and the family" at Ain Shams University

The sectors of community service affairs and environmental development, and education and student affairs, in cooperation with the National Council for Women, Cairo branch, organized an awareness seminar entitled (renouncing violence and the role of women in society and the family) within the framework of the activities of the cultural season at Ain Shams University, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Dr. Ghada Farouk, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and coordinating Prof. Dr.Jihan Rajab, Advisor to the Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Dr. Amani Hanafi, former dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, supervised by a professor Mr.Suhail Hamza is, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, Mrs. Reham Al-Atifi is the Acting Assistant Secretary of the University for Education and Student Affairs.

The organization of the students of A Family for Central Egypt and the pioneer of the family, Prof. Dr. Hatem Rabie, in the presence of Prof. Dr.Howayda Al-Jabali, Dean of the Graduate School of Childhood Studies, Prof. Dr. HalaSweed, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Abdel-Aleem, a professor at the Faculty of Commerce.

The seminar was hosted Prof. Dr. Fathi Al-Sharkawy, Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts and former Vice President of Ain Shams University, and Counselor Alaa El-Shimi, Undersecretary of the Human, Women, and Child Rights Sector at the Ministry of Justice, Prof. Dr.Abla Hanafi, Professor of Art Psychology at the Faculty of Education, former Vice President of Helwan University for Education and Student Affairs, and artist Tamer Farag.

In her speech, Prof. Dr.Ghada Farouk welcomed the audience and expressed her happiness at choosing a group of specialists to discuss the phenomenon of violence against women, which everyone seeks to permanently erase from our lives, especially in light of the interest of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to follow all necessary measures to empower, support and protect women from violence, explaining that the reason for choosing the name of the symposium It is due to the woman's ability to confront this phenomenon by herself by raising her daughter and son from a young age to be non-violent so that she can give the daughter her rights and teach the son to preserve women's rights.

Prof. Dr. Jihan Ragab, Advisor to the Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, thanked Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of the University, and the vice presidents of the university for their support for the cultural season seminars. In her speech, she talked about the organizational structure of the National Council for Women and the terms of reference of the council. Her Excellency indicated that Egypt was the first country to launch the Judiciary Agreement on violence against women.

And Prof. Dr. Amani Hanafi, former dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, added that the phenomenon of violence against women is a global phenomenon and has increased in the recent period in a number of countries, especially in small and marginalized environments, and it was represented in early marriage, and there are continuous efforts to combat violence against women, including the Arab Republic of Egypt, and that is by adding Two articles in the constitution (306 A - 306 B) related to indecent assault and renunciation of violence against women to achieve equality and sustainable development.

And Prof. Dr. Fathi Al-Sharqawi, Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts and former Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, reviewed the characteristics, causes, and ways to confront violence against women, citing what women face in general, whether in rural or urban areas, which is represented in depriving girls of education, discriminating between boys and girls through the mother Depriving the female of inheritance, which allows her financial independence, as well as female circumcision.

His Excellency presented the forms of marital and psychological violence, which is represented in marginalization and psychological neglect, which leads to intimidation and intimidation, in addition to the loud voice, which leads to a reaction in the opposite direction. He also referred to the continuous negative criticism from the husband to the wife, which can reach a stage that leads to a higher degree stages of the reverse reaction.

His Excellency touched on the reasons why women do not resort to taking the necessary measures to stop violence against them, including fear of divorce, false religious ideas, spending, preserving children, the husband taking drugs, escaping from the family’s home, and His Excellency also explained that there are forms of violence against women through Economic aspects such as depriving women of money to control women, forcing them to work to support them, the family and the house, controlling their money and depriving them of inheritance in the countryside, pointing out that violence within the work environment and society and not accepting their professional role are also forms of violence against women.

On the causes of the growing phenomenon of violence against women, Prof. Dr. Fathi Al-Sharkawyexplained that women come first to this phenomenon, as they are the ones who raise and raise their children and differentiate between them, in addition to the language of media discourse, whether it is very negative or very positive, which causes the opposite result, weak legislation and its inability to implement, especially customs and traditions, belief The mistaken lack of women, the level of education and low cultural awareness, adding that all of this leads to a sense of inferiority, not achieving their goals, which results in physical and psychological illnesses and responding to violence with violence.

For his part, Counselor Alaa Al-Shimi, Undersecretary of the Human Rights, Women and Children Sector at the Ministry of Justice, explained that courses are being held for judges to train them on how to conduct investigations in cases of violence against women, as all investigation bodies, starting from the police officer to the judge, need to understand the causes of violence against women and everything related to women.

Referring to the United Nations declaration in 1993 that defined violence against women, it published indicative statistics to correct misconceptions about women.

In Africa, a protocol on violence against women was drawn up in 2003, defining violence against women as all acts committed against women that result in physical, psychological, or economic harm.

Regarding the Egyptian efforts in this regard, His Excellency referred to the “Collective Unit for the Protection of Women from Violence,” which is a complex building that includes Justice, the Ministry of Interior, Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Health, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, and the National Council for Women to protect any woman subjected to violence, explaining that all investigations and procedures are carried out in the same unit. This is through representatives of the ministries and authorities concerned with the unit, to take the necessary measures to examine and dispose of it, in accordance with the established legal rules, and to communicate and coordinate with the ministries and authorities concerned in this regard.

His Excellency added that violence against women is either violence within the family or sexual violence and begins with insulting a female's modesty and even rape, and finally, violence based on discrimination in promotions and wages and at home between children.

His Excellency added that a number of laws and legislations have been amended in favor of women, including the granting of nationality to children of Egyptian mothers, pointing to the national strategy for the empowerment of women, stressing the commitment of the Egyptian state to all rights related to human rights.

Prof. Dr.Abla Hanafi, Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Education, and former Vice President of Helwan University for Education and Student Affairs spoke about psychological treatment for women through art, pointing to the importance of art for humans, as it is not a material thing, but it has a great moral role that reflects the type of culture and civilization prevailing in society, as she referred to a movie I want a solution that changed some of the personal status laws at the time, and I explained that art has two inseparable roles. The first part is concerned with changing ideas through art, and the other part is therapeutic by releasing psychological pressures and negative energies through art of all kinds, whether by practicing drawing or poetry, for example, or artistic appreciation.

The artist, Tamer Farag, also praised this kind of seminar to refine the personality and add a number of life experiences and how to deal with marital and family life, in terms of forming the family and how to deal with the wife and children that make up the society, stressing the active role of young people in spreading awareness and self-development to develop awareness societal.

He also pointed out that art is entertainment, and if it is associated with a message, then it is good, explaining that drama results from a struggle between good and evil. Old films, for example, sometimes contained scenes of violence, but due to the existence of values and upbringing in the home and school, this was not reflected in society, except when the values disappeared. Fathers and mothers were preoccupied with the economic aspect at the expense of raising their children, which appeared in the late seventies, pointing to the importance of caring for the mother because she is the one who raises her children, as she is the first and main source for them.

The symposium witnessed a violin performance by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salem, a Professor at the Faculty of Specific Education.

At the conclusion of the symposium, Prof. Dr.Ghada Farouk, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, honored the guests of the symposium and took souvenir photos.