egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The President of Ain Shams University participates in the "Scientific Francophone in Egypt... The Current Situation and Development Prospects" workshop, which is being held on the sidelines of the Francophone Ministerial Conference

Under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, yesterday, Wednesday, held a workshop entitled "Scientific Francophonie in Egypt … the current situation and prospects for development", which will be held on the sidelines of the activities of the Sixth Francophone Ministerial Conference in Egypt, hosted by the Ministry, and organized by the University Agency for Francophonie within the framework of the edition The second of the International Week of Scientific Francophonie, which will be held in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Egypt, from 25 to 28 October.

In his speech, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research affirmed that there is a strategy to activate the French language in some disciplines, stressing the importance of teaching the French language in universities through future science, artificial intelligence, and interdisciplinary programs, as well as cooperation programs with French-speaking universities.

For his part, Mr. Marc Paretti, the French ambassador in Cairo and head of the Francophone State Group of Ambassadors, confirmed that France supports science and la Francophonie in Egypt, noting that there are 500 patents based on scientific support through the implementation of a number of grants and that there are 30 Egyptian researchers studying in laboratories and laboratories. French; To complete their own studies, he pointed to cooperation programs with the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology through a scientific program to encourage researchers to conduct research projects.

Dr. confirmed. Hani Helal, President of Senghor University, said that there have been historical relations between Egypt and France for several centuries, as there are 3.1 million Egyptians who speak French, and there are more than 15 specialized departments for studying the French language in Egyptian universities, and we have about 25,000 learners of the French language in Egypt.

For her part, Mrs. Fatima Al-Zahraa Othman, Personal Representative of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt for Francophone International Development, stressed the role of science in making political decisions at this stage the world is going through climate changes, energy crises, and epidemics, stressing the role of scientific francophone and the role of scientific diplomacy, adding the need to encourage Translation for the transfer of science and knowledge, which focuses on respect for culture, scientific diversity and the exchange of cultures and sciences, stressing that all efforts must be combined to launch the project of translating Arabic documents and launching a digital platform that works to spread this great contribution to knowledge and science.

On his part, Dr. Khalbous, Dean of the University Agency for Francophonie, inviting Egyptian universities to join the agency; To develop science in the French language, the organization is interested not only in teaching the French language, but in teaching science in French, as well as opening new cooperation programs in the Francophonie, which includes more than 10 thousand universities.

Mr. Jean-Noel Paliot, Regional Director of the Université de la Francophonie added that Senghor University has been working for 30 years in Egypt, stressing the importance of cooperation between Egypt and France, and there are many projects and programs of a regional nature in cooperation with Egypt in priority areas, pointing out that Egypt is the country The second among 17 countries in the Middle East, noting that the agency adopted a policy of rehabilitating the infrastructure to be the important international actor in the Middle East, especially Egypt.

On his part, Dr. Yasser Refaat, Vice Minister for Scientific Research Affairs, on the role of scientific diplomacy in solving the economic crisis, pointing to the role of international cooperation in solving the problems faced by countries, pointing to cooperation between Egypt and France in the field of scientific research and knowledge transfer, and strengthening mechanisms for benefiting from French expertise in Research projects of common interest, and scientific publishing, pointing to the growth of international cooperation in Egypt, stressing that there are opportunities to employ those who are fluent in French.

On his part, Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, announced that a large number of Egyptian universities joined the University Agency for Francophonie, pointing to the importance of transferring scientific knowledge in the French language, explaining that cooperation opportunities should be invested in the field of basic sciences in French such as medicine, pharmacy, science, and others, away from the humanities, adding that there are dual degrees with some French universities in the humanities field.

Dr. Mohamed Latif, Acting Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation with the Francophonie, pointing out that there is a program to study medicine in French at the Faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University, calling for the necessity of studying the reasons for students’ reluctance to turn to scientific programs in French, explaining that there are two tracks, namely: : (The path of opening new programs, and the path of qualifying those who teach these programs).

In his speech, Dr. Denis Darby, President of the French University in Egypt, pointed out that language is what shapes the way of thinking, stressing that a means must be found to attract English speakers to French, and advanced training can be given in French, as language is one of the means of thinking and research, thanking the Francophone Agency for what it provided. to the French University in Egypt, calling for more support in the field of entrepreneurship and scientific research.