egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
Registration of aptitude tests for students of technical certificates and diplomas of technical institutes

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is pleased to announce to our children, students of technical certificates, the organization of aptitude tests for students wishing to enroll in faculties for which admission is required to pass qualifying aptitude tests, in accordance with the conditions and rules issued by the Supreme Council of Universities With the application of all health requirements and precautionary measures approved by the Ministry of Health during the performance of these tests; To preserve the safety of our students and the masters in charge of organizing these exams in the faculties, the statement of these faculties is as follows:-

• Faculties of Applied Arts in universities (Helwan - Benha - Beni Suef - Damietta)

• Faculties of Fine Arts (Architecture - Arts)

• Faculties of Nursing.

This is in light of the admission rules issued by the Supreme Council of Universities, which require passing aptitude tests as a condition of admission to these faculties.

• In order to facilitate our sons, students of technical certificates applying to perform aptitude tests this year 2022 and who wish to join one of these faculties, it was decided to open the electronic coordination site for students of technical certificates to register their desires to perform abilities tests eligible for admission to faculties {Applied Arts - Faculties of Fine Arts “Architecture - Arts” - Faculties of Nursing }, starting from Monday 5/9/2022 until Wednesday 7/9/2022, provided that exams will be held in the concerned faculties from Tuesday 6/9/2022 until Thursday 9/8/2022.


Steps for student registration to book an appointment for aptitude tests through the coordination website:

• The student enters the coordination website

Then to the registration page and book aptitude tests using the following:

1- Seating number and password for students of industrial technical schools.

2- Coordination code and password for technical institute's diploma students (industrial - nursing)

• The student's data will appear, which includes (the seat number - the student's name) and the student must ensure that the data recorded on the student's electronic coordination website is correct.

• The student will be shown a list of the types of aptitude tests available, faculties, places to take these tests, and the specific dates.

• The student chooses the type of abilities and the date he will go to the faculty to take the test will be determined.

• After the student completes the registration process, the student prints a receipt that includes the types of abilities, dates, and places for taking exams in the faculties that the student has registered on the electronic coordination website.

• Students are obligated to take exams in the faculty that falls within the scope of their geographical distribution (A), and they are not allowed to take any exams outside this scope.

• The concerned faculties are obligated to hold capacity tests, and they enter the results of the exams directly for all suitable students who take these tests after verifying the correctness of the sitting number and the name of the student for graduates of industrial technical schools, as well as the coordination code and the name of the student for graduates of industrial technical institutes and nursing so that no errors occur in the results.

• The electronic coordination program is provided with the names and data of students who have passed these exams to be nominated based on them, and the faculties are fully responsible for these results during the allotted time period, as no other results will be considered after closing the electronic coordination site to register suitable students in these exams.

• Exams are held on the scheduled dates once for each type of abilities. A student who fails in them is not allowed to take aptitude tests again, whether in the same faculty or in another faculty and any paper statement given by the faculties with the result of the ability exams will not be considered in order to be transparent with our students.

The student’s passing of these exams is not considered a final acceptance to the faculty, but the nomination is made according to the priority of the total and the numbers determined by the Supreme Council of Universities.

Conditions for applying for exams:

1. All students of advanced schools and technical (industrial) institutes are allowed to apply for exams that qualify for admission to faculties (Applied Arts - Fine Arts "Architecture - Arts") according to the specializations shown, provided that the student obtains 75% of the total.

2. Candidates will be nominated for these faculties from among the students fit for these tests, with the priority of the grand total, and in accordance with the numbers determined by the Supreme Council of Universities and the rest of the admission conditions and rules.

3. It is required that the student be of Egyptian nationality, a graduate of 2022 (newness of qualification)

4. The student must have obtained the qualification in one of the specializations mentioned in the statement only.