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The content of the press conference held prior to the launch of the 14th International Conference on Breast Cancer, Women and Immunotherapy

Science fiction turns into reality launched by the 14th International Conference on Breast and Women’s Cancer and Immunotherapy and the Second International Conference on Lung Cancer and Immunotherapy for Oncology, under the patronage of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Acting Minister of Health and Population, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University, and Dr. Ashraf Omar, Dean of Ain Shams College of Medicine...

The use of artificial intelligence in the imaging and pathological diagnosis of breast tumors and women, the use of a liquid DNA sample to diagnose and follow-up lung tumors, in addition to the launch of five new genetic and targeted drugs for the treatment of breast, lung and ovarian tumors, and the participation of the Ain Shams College of Medicine Research Center for advanced research to activate vaccines Some types of cancer, localization of genetic and informational solutions for oncology patients in Egypt, announcing the launch of new generations of targeted, hormonal and immunological treatments that help increase recovery rates and reduce the need for chemotherapy in breast, ovarian, uterine and lung tumors, and launch guidelines from Egypt to prevent and vaccinate against cervical cancer The uterus, in cooperation with the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, and the accreditation of gynecological oncology centers from the European Society of Oncology, with a large international participation of 15 international associations specialized in the treatment and diagnosis of tumors, including the American Society of Oncology (ASCO), the International Society of Lung Tumors (IASLC), and the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, European Society of Radiotherapy Oncology, African Oral Society M., the European Society for Diagnostic Oncology, and the European Society for Surgical Oncology, this came during today's press conference to announce the outcomes of the conference to be held on January 21st.

Dr. Hesham Al-Ghazali, Professor of Oncology, President of the International Society of Oncology, Secretary General of the Conference and Head of the Ain Shams College of Medicine Research Center, explained that this year is witnessing great momentum with the presence of great scientific figures, including Prof. Hope Rojo, Professor of Oncology in the United States of America, who is responsible for setting the guidelines in the American Society Oncology, Professor David Carbon, President of the International Society of Lung Tumors, and Professor Robert Coleman, President of the International Society of Gynecological Oncology, in addition to about 200 foreign scientists from more than 60 countries from around the world, and the registration of about 2,000 doctors from Egypt and Arab countries and about 10,000 doctors via electronic media.

He added that this year's conference contains more than 300 scientific and research papers and fifteen topics, including immunotherapy, oncology, pathology, radiology, surgery, analyzes, genetic tests and cancer research. And an accredited program for the analysis of liquid DNA sample for the diagnosis and follow-up of tumors approved by the International Society for Liquid DNA Analysis, and the scientific program for the two conferences for each of them was accredited by the American Association for Medical Education.

The conference also includes several skill workshops for sampling using radiation for breast tumors, bronchoscopy, pathological analysis and workshops for internal radiotherapy accredited by the European Society for Radiotherapy Oncology.

He pointed out that 5 new drugs will be launched for breast, lung and ovarian tumors, including the launch of a new drug to treat the BRCA gene found in different types of breast cancers, especially triple-negative breast tumors, which were difficult diseases to treat. Nuclear medicine in women with the disease, and studies have led to its superiority over several types of chemotherapy in advanced breast tumors, and the cure rates have doubled compared to chemotherapy. The developed ovary is in the second line, and it was used in breast tumors in patients who have a mutation of the Praca gene, in addition to launching a new drug in the treatment of lung cancer and knowing new genetic mutations, including the genetic mutation, which is present in lung cancer by 7%, and a new treatment appeared It treats this type of lung tumors, especially lung tumors that spread to the brain, and it leads to a severe improvement and response in this type of tumors, and it showed that 76% of The disease led to a complete response despite the presence of this spread in the brain, and the average response was within a month from the start of treatment, and the response in the treatment of secondary brain tumors was 82%.

He added that new treatments for breast tumors, representing the third generation, will be introduced, including the integration of two drugs into one, which leads to reducing the patient's suffering and his need to enter hospitals to receive treatment, where drugs are given through a single injection under the skin, and the launch of several new drugs to treat lung tumors and their use and integrating treatments Combined targeted therapy, such as the combination of two targeted therapies in the treatment of EGFR-mutated lung tumors, accounts for about 30% of mutations in lung tumors and leads to significant improvement with side effects that led to the elimination of chemotherapy among these patients.

He said that the conference will announce the use of immunotherapy and targeted therapies in the early stages of lung tumors, which will lead to raising the rates of complete recovery among these patients for the first time ever, and reduce the possibility of disease recurrence, as well as launching the use of immunotherapy in pre-operative triple-negative breast tumors. Surgical procedures to raise the possibilities of a complete response to 60% of a complete pathological response, and immunotherapy is launched after it is combined with targeted therapy for the treatment of metastatic uterine tumors for the first time ever. The so-called detailing of the treatment plan for oncological patients will be approved through two axes, the first related to accurate genetic analysis, and the second so-called with the initial response to treatment, to detail the rest of the treatment plan to ensure the highest cure rates with the least possible side effects.

He added that for the first time, the conference will include workshops for the use of a liquid DNA sample to diagnose and follow-up tumors, especially lung tumors. The search for infected DNA from a blood sample and not through tissues is one of the important plans now to know the diagnosis of some types of widespread lung tumors in addition to its importance It is important to know what remains of the invisible tumors after treatment, which leads to confirming the reduction of the possibilities of tumor recurrence, as it is confirmed that the infected DNA has disappeared inside the patient, and therefore it is of great importance for the detailing of the treatment plan.

On the other hand, Al-Ghazali explained that there is an important lecture that will be included in the conference by Dr. Ahmed Salman, the Egyptian scientist at Oxford University, who was part of the team that discovered the activated Corona virus vaccine from Oxford University, on advanced research in partnership with several countries around the world for the so-called “cancer vaccine” against Some types of cancer, pointing out that there is a comprehensive agreement, and part of that research will be within the walls of Ain Shams University and Research Center for new vaccines for some types of cancer, and there is support for the so-called cellular therapy through the use of viril vector, and these treatments are considered a major qualitative leap in the treatment of cancer in general. , especially leukemias and hard tissue cancers.

He pointed out that the guidelines from Egypt were published during the International Conference on Breast Cancer and Women, and guidelines were published in triple-negative breast tumors and preventive plans against breast cancer, and were published in international scientific journals, Q1 Journal, noting that this year guidelines for prevention will be launched. Vaccination and treatment of cervical cancer in cooperation with the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, as well as guidelines for detailing the preoperative treatment of breast tumors, increasing cure rates and preserving the breast in these women, and a closed session will be held between the International Society of Oncology and the European Society of Gynecological Oncology for the accreditation of oncology centers The Gynecological Oncology Center in Alexandria and Mansoura University has already been accredited by the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, and several other centers will be included in different regions of Egypt.

For his part, Dr. Yasser Abdel Qader, Professor of Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, announced the decrease in death rates globally due to lung tumor diseases, due to the personalized treatment that differs from one person to another, noting that there are new medicines that appeared in 2021, in addition to targeted medicines with treatment. Immunotherapy has reduced mortality rates from advanced lung cancer, confirming that cure rates for early lung tumors reach 90%.

He explained that repeating a CT scan to detect corona infection resulted in the discovery of many early infections of lung tumors in a way that the past decades did not witness, and he also explained that immunotherapy has taken a new form after its coherence with chemotherapy in controlling the disease for more than 6 years, and it has become Targeted therapy is available in the form of tablets for the treatment of lung cancer, in particular for treatment plans diagnosed by genetic analyzes of the patient. If he has the modified gene, there are drugs available even if the disease is late, indicating that the immunotherapy raised the cure rates to 90%.

Abdel Qader added that the state is about to launch an initiative that will jointly with its members for the early detection of lung cancer, and protocols will be developed that include the latest and most advanced therapeutic drugs, which will be implemented at the level of the Republic to conduct a survey of the category most vulnerable to lung cancer, stressing that the initiative is in the last stage to launch it under the umbrella of "Health of the lungs"

On the other hand, Dr. Mustafa Al-Shazly, Professor of Chest Diseases and Allergy and Director of the French Kasr Al-Aini Hospital for Isolation, explained that Corona patients should not be subjected to an examination with optical endoscopes until after the smear turned negative at least twice, noting that the optical endoscopy procedure can be postponed and rely on x-rays. , and analyzes for diagnosis, stressing that there are some exceptions with regard to critical cases infected with corona, and here it is necessary to conduct an optical endoscopy examination, and among those critical cases are bleeding, cases of bronchial obstruction, or non-response to medicines in the treatment of pneumonia, and lung transplant patients who have developed lung severe infections.

He explained that some American agencies recommend conducting the examination a month after infection with corona, and when performing the optical endoscopic examination of a corona patient, the medical instructions of the doctor must be followed, where full protective clothing must be worn, and the operating room should not include more than 3 people, and it must include a room Passive suction operations to expel viruses, and dry oxygen must be used, and the patient’s face must be covered with a special mask with a hole to insert the endoscope and with integrated medical care so that the virus is not transmitted from the patient to the doctor.

Dr. Majed Abu Saada spoke about cervical cancer, noting that it is one of the tumors that affects the female reproductive system and is often discovered in the late stages, and leads to problems in the methods of its diagnosis and treatment, and therefore prevention is the best way to reduce those risks, pointing out that the most important causes of cancer The cervix is ​​infection with the “HP” virus and is transmitted to the woman through the marital or sexual relationship with the husband, which leads to cervical cancer after a period of up to years, stressing that the woman’s body deals with the virus with immunity,

Noting that most of these cases are cured without medical intervention, but 10% of the virus remains latent inside the cells and leads to its change over time, which leads to cervical cancer within 10 to 20 years, and prevention of this virus leads to the prevention of cervical cancer, there is a special vaccination that is used to prevent children from 12 to 15 years old and up to 25 years old, and it must be taken before having sexual relations. There are 3 types of vaccinations, one that protects against two types of viruses, another that protects against 4 types of viruses, and the third that protects against 9 types of viruses. And the three types share in the prevention of the most important types 16 and 18 that lead to cervical cancer, and in Egypt we have the vaccination that protects against 4 types, and it is not a substitute for the annual survey that must be conducted on the cervix to detect any change in the uterine cells and deal with it early.

Dr. Sahar Mansour, Professor of Diagnostic Radiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Egyptian Society of Breast Radiology, explained that this year's conference will launch the use of artificial intelligence in imaging diagnostics in breast and pelvic tumors and pathological diagnosis of breast, women and lung tumors, in cooperation with the Egyptian teams and the teams of the European Society for Diagnostic Radiology. The Medical Imaging Society of Singapore, and the use of artificial intelligence has led to an increase in the ability to accurately diagnose these patients and reduce the error from the human factor.