Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education, organized the General Authority for Adult Education headed by Prof. Dr. Ashour Omari, a celebration on the occasion of the International Literacy Day and on the occasion of Egypt’s victory the UNESCO Prize 2021 about the experience of Ain Shams University in cooperation with the General Authority for Adult Education, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Tarek Tawfik, Deputy Minister of Health and Population, Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, Vice President of Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Hisham Temraz, Vice President of Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid, former Vice President of the University of Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Prof. Dr. Al-Hilali El-Sherbiny, former Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Moheb Al-Rafei, former Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Latif, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Galal, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Khaled Qadri, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Prof. Dr. Salwa Rashad, Dean of the Faculty of Al-Alsun, Prof. Dr. Hazem Rashid, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Amira Youssef, Dean of the Faculty of Girls, Prof. Dr. Jihan Ragab, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business of Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Prof. Dr. Yemeni Safwat, Vice Dean of Faculty of Al-Alsun of Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Safaa Shehata, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education of Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Islam Al-Saeed, Director of the Adult Education Center at the university, and a group of university vice presidents of community service and environmental development affairs.
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University, stressed the need to reach the virtual zero of illiteracy, and to eliminate it in order to reap the fruits of development, noting that there has been remarkable progress in literacy rates, but the current rate does not agree with Egypt's ambitions and capabilities and capabilities.
He added that it is not possible to achieve access to the fourth generation of universities, the making of a fourth industrial revolution and digital transformation without eliminating illiteracy
He explained that Ain Shams University thought outside the box and worked together in cooperation with the General Authority for Adult Education, where the eradication of illiteracy within the walls of the university began, and then the trend towards the surrounding community began, thanking the General Authority for Adult Education and the Supreme Council of Universities
He also thanked the community service and environmental development sector, headed by Prof. Dr. Hisham Temraz, and the education sector and students headed by Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud for their prominent role during the previous period, especially in light of the emergence of the Corona pandemic.
Prof. Dr. Hisham Temraz, Vice President of Community Service and Environmental Development, indicated that the university was able to eradicate illiteracy among 9000 males and 12000 females during the fiscal year 2020/2021, reviewing the role played by the university towards the issue of literacy, explaining that the university includes an education center of Adult Education, which is one of the oldest centers at the level of Egyptian universities, explaining that the protocol signed with the authority regarding the literacy project provided a set of possibilities and incentives with innovative methods and various incentives that bore fruit, following the University Council’s decision No. 36 of 2019 approving the establishment of the theory faculty students The theory teaches 4 individuals as a condition for obtaining a graduation certificate, in addition to issuing an incentive of (250) pounds for each learner who freed from illiteracy from the Literacy and Adult Education Authority, in addition to issuing an incentive of (50) pounds for each student who freed from illiteracy, in addition to an exemption from the expenses of the next year for everyone who eradicates illiteracy ( 4) Learners provided by the university, where 1,700 students were trained on the method of education to eradicate illiteracy, and 60 courses were held, and a YouTube channel was established and distance education was established. Medical and curative, it also includes literacy.
Prof. Dr. Ashour Omari, head of the executive body of the Adult Education Authority, explained that today's celebration is the first in the era of the new republic, which coincides with the announcement of Egypt's winning the UNESCO World Prize in the field of literacy and adult education for a pioneering experience from Ain Shams University in cooperation with the General Authority for Adult Education.
Pointing out that the authority has forged real partnerships with state governmental and private institutions and civil society organizations, and coincides with the celebration, celebrating the luminous models of people of determination for girls who conquered the impossible to be freed from illiteracy to continue their education for life.
Adding that the General Authority for Adult Education has adopted a new approach to eradicate illiteracy and uproot it from its roots, with unlimited support from the political leadership, which has put education at the top of its priorities and shifted from focusing on illiteracy in its narrow concept, which is the alphabetic illiteracy, to a more comprehensive concept that focuses on continuing education and eradicating Digital illiteracy.and empowering people of determination and people with disabilities.
Prof. Dr. Tariq Tawfiq, Deputy Minister of Health and Population, pointed out that the most powerful and powerful mechanism in the field of health and population characteristics is education and learning, stressing that illiteracy is the main obstacle to population distribution, as it causes 38% of child deaths, and literacy leads to an increase in the rate of illiteracy. He also reviewed Egypt’s ranking in terms of illiteracy, as Egypt occupies the twentieth place in the world, third in Africa and sixth in the Arab world in the field of illiteracy, pointing out that eradicating illiteracy is a national duty. According to the vision of the 2030 strategy
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Latif, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, addressed the competencies of the Supreme Council for Community Service and Environmental Development, which include meeting the needs of society, which can work on the advancement and development of society through many activities and events and the organization of many different services that work to achieve this, such as convoys Comprehensive medical awareness, agricultural and illiteracy eradication, confronting intellectual terrorism and monitoring societal problems and others, adding that the last of these specializations is to activate the initiative of a decent life, thanking Professor Dr. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid, the former vice president of the university, for the abundant effort they made during the previous period
Dr. Islam Said, Director of the Adult Education Center at Ain Shams University, confirmed that cooperation with the General Authority for Adult Education is an example to follow for constructive and fruitful cooperation, which culminated in the university winning the UNESCO Prize and the university's publication for Egyptian universities in a number of those who have been eradicated.