egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
Opening of the third International conference of the Faculty of Education entitled Future visions for the development of education and teacher preparation

Prof. Dr. Abdul Wahab Ezzat, President of the University and Prof. Dr. Maged Abul-Enein Dean of the Faculty of Education opened the Third International Conference of the Faculty of Education under the title "Future visions for the development of education and the preparation of the teacher". That was in the presence of Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdul Hamid, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development and Prof. Dr. Abdul Nasser Sengab Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research.

During his opening speech, Abdul Wahab Ezzat stressed on the importance of continuing the development of education and the development of the capacity of the teacher because education is a dynamic process is renewed and developed quickly and we have to keep up with that and the teacher to be constantly familiar with the development of all his skills.

He also stressed the importance of recognizing the various international experiences, praising the participation of 12 countries including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan, USA, Japan and Germany in the conference's activities through various sessions and themes.

Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdul Hamid pointed to the importance of inculcating the original values that characterize the Egyptian society through an efficient and advanced teacher capable of bringing up innovative and well-equipped generations of science and keeping pace with all new ones while preserving the authentic Egyptian values.

Prof. Dr. Abdul Nasser Sengab stressed the importance of training future teachers to use the means of modern technology and even to make the most of it because the new generations master the use of new technological means, but only in the areas of entertainment and hence comes the role of the teacher in leading and guiding future generations for the highness of the nation.

Professor Magid Abu El-Enein talked about the legacy of the Faculty of Education, which coincides with the celebration of the faculty 90 years since its establishment. He said that the Faculty and the University are working hard to graduate distinguished teachers who are able to compete in the global labor market and preserve the values and traditions characteristic of our Arab society.

Prof. Dr. Hazem Rashed emphasized some of the topics discussed in the conference of the role of education in facing the local challenges that address education in public schools and private and international schools as well as education in Arabic in exchange for foreign language education.

The conference also discusses the social responsibility of the media in the development of education in return for interest in achieving profits and the management of education centrally in exchange for decentralized management and different educational patterns in Egypt.

Prof. Dr. Safaa Afifi added that the conference will review some of the future visions of education in crisis areas, conflict and education in the areas of political strikes and areas of armed conflict and psychological counseling programs for children after trauma. The conference will also discuss several important topics related to education for three consecutive days.

Also on the sidelines of the conference was an exhibition of all the centers and units of the faculty to identify the services it provides.